Multicoloured, accurate in details, printed on plastic, laminated on both sides, with plastic rollers, size 75x100 cm. These charts are available in English or in English & Arabic combined.
Product Code: AEB002
(77 Reviews)
Botany Charts Policharts
Multicoloured, accurate in details, printed on plastic, laminated on both sides, with plastic rollers, size 75x100 cm. These charts are available in English or in English & Arabic combined.
T.S. in Dicot & Monocot stem
Pinus-1 Male & Female Strobli
L.S. Shoot Apex & its different regions
T.S. Shoot Apex & its different regions
Plant Tissue Cork
L.S. in Flower with T.S. in Anther
Plant tissue Xylem T.S. in simple Pit
Pinus II through female Strobilus L.S.through ovules
Plant tissue Collenchyma
Marchantia Life Cycle
Plant Tissue Parenchyma
L.S. in Root Tip & T.S. in its different regions
T.S. of Root (Secondary Growth)
Adiantum Life Cycle
Stages of formation of Female Gametophytewith the process of Pollination, Fertilisation &Formation of seed
Plant Tissue Phloem
Plant Tissue Sclerenchyma
T.S. in Stem to show growth with a drawing ofLenticel